This posting will be primarily be a quick recap of the full committee meeting on July 26 in Berlin and links to updates and posting across this website since July 15, 2017.
Key points to think about from full committee meeting: list of words supplied by Andrew; whether the creative process is what the project is about; Jungian archetype of the shadow; current thoughts on structure of written exegesis -Playing is the process/ painting practice while Painting and Personas is where the contextual research (lit. review etc) is dealt with; Roberta suggestion to deal with play and performativity strategically; think of the turning triangle as a metaphor (structural engineering systems); the text becoming the mirror/shadow of the work; it might be helpful to think of the performance in the studio space as brackets for my own performativity. Some discussion on direction of ‘chapter’ for RDC2. Goal is a first draft for initial comments to Andrew and Roberta by second half of September.
I have continued scholarly research focus on Duchamp and Bowie and am in the process of drafting the chapter. It is slowly coming together in bits and pieces but as of today I am not yet satisfied with the structure-flow to consider the initial draft to the point I want it to be to begin receiving feedback and making revisions. But it is close and should be there in the next 1-2 weeks.
Since returning from Berlin painting has progressed. Andrew and I had a long discussion about some of the smaller works on paper from myself, Petra and Franz I brought with me to Berlin. Using that discussion as a springboard back into the studio and the work that was done this past month I am ready to begin the next step on the integration/collaboration of the three (and with Melusine’s text -four) personas into a larger scale painting using methods explored this past month in the 4 inch x 6 inch paintings.
Here are direct links to all the recent postings.
Berlin sketches and Melusine writing
Good Witches of the Between, Part 7 -enter Franz
Good Witches of the Between, Part 8 -Petra returns
Good Witches of the Between, Part 9 -another layer of paper
Good Witches of the Between, Part 10 -Petra, watercolor, thinned gesso and acrylic
Good Witches of the Between, Part 11, -Robyn and oil
Notes: Important sentences from my Summer 2017 residency presentation and how my understanding of what I am doing has developed through the process of preparing it.
Melusine’s correspondences and other writing (until August 1, 2017)
Some words from some words, I.
Boxing Shadows with the beginning of (mainly) Melusine’s interruptions
Odds and (non)Ends, August and September
To view Summer Residency presentation follow this link.
Andrew and I discussed my presentation and approaches for future presentation as well as presenting a selection of ‘finished’ work on my other [non-research, professional] website. A goal is to invest in a new DSLR camera this fall and re-photograph some of the work to-date, posting about 5-7 images on that website. Editing and ways of presenting fewer works...ideally in important as the painting and experiencing the painting as such (and not as a reproduction in another format) is much on my mind.
Please remember, this site is first and foremost a tool for my personal documentation purposes and all work -written and painted- is in process and posted here solely for my own reflective methods and quick referencing as I work through this project.
The same image when viewed from a slightly different angle. Bowie changes.