The original. Oil on collage surface of different papers on Bristol board, mounted on birch wood panel 11"x14"/27.5cm x 35cm.
Petra's set up for watercolor copy in watercolor sketchbook, 7"x9"/17.5cm x 22.5cm. Petra paints with left hand and uncorrected myopia. Photo of Petra's journal and the two paintings. Photo of Petra's watercolor copy.
Robyn's copy of Petra's watercolor copy using same materials and brushes, with right hand and glasses.
Robyn's watercolor and original painting.
A second copy of Petra's watercolor by Robyn, with left hand and without glasses.
Steps as followed by both Petra and Robyn.
Robyn's copy of Petra's watercolor using same materials, left hand and not wearing glasses.
Franz painting his version. Many videos, most short, less than 1 minute. Franz's copy is fluid, acrylic paints on 16" x 20"/40cm x 50cm standard foam core.
Still images of Franz's copy at various stages of the process.
One Painting Three