This is an online archive of a series of drawings begun in Spring 2018 with frottage-drawings made by Petra Nimm from painting/collages I (we) were working on at that time. As events transpired I stopped working on the drawings as Petra and began working on them as myself. The first three were begun as Petra, and took almost a year to finish. The remaining 16 were done between summer 2019 and summer 2020 as myself. They began as frottage-rubbings with graphite stick on student grade cotton drawing paper with a yellow-buff tinge and then working with erasers and graphite pencils the shapes emerged. The drawings were done on the wall of my greenhouse studio and the texture of the wall comes through. The full paper size is 18 x 24 inches, and the drawing portion is approximately 11 x 14 inches. These drawings are technically crude and their purpose is as a connection between the paintings they were taken from and the painting done beginning Fall 2019 and continuing to the present. I am not posting any process images here. These images are posted for archive purposes only and have been cropped and color-corrected. They are posted in order of completion.
Nr. 1
Nr. 2
Nr. 3
Nr. 4
Nr. 5
Nr. 6
Nr. 7
Nr. 8
Nr. 9
Nr. 10
Nr. 11
Nr. 12
Nr. 13
Nr. 14
Nr. 15
Nr. 16
Nr. 17
Nr. 18
Nr. 19