Part One
Passion when it does not conform to the expectations of others can be misconstrued as aggression.
Taking a risk can be interpreted as an aggressive act by those who are averse to taking risks.
Intense examination can be seen as aggressive confrontation by those who secretly fear looking too closely, too intensely.
Mirrors that reveal a reflection other than the one that is expected, anticipated or desired.
Non-conformity to expectations.
Looking at the non-conformist as if into a mirror and having one’s own conformity, timidity and fear of intensity and intimacy revealed whether it is intended to be or not is often interpreted as an aggressive act.
What threatens people most?
What do I ask myself when I encounter a person I deem aggressive?
Is the aggression driven by fear or by passion?
What drives fear?
What drives passion?
There can be fearful passion and passionate fear, and they are not the same.
Who is the aggressive one?
Is it I or is it the one I face?
Return to the first question.