This update is essentially a place from which to navigate to the postings of the previous month. Other than through the links it provides little insight into the period of mid-March to mid-April 2017. Just as could be considered typical in the part of the world I find myself the activities I took part during this time in were focused on preparation and the early stages of cultivation for a harvest that will take place months from now. I’ve spent my time divided between reading/re-reading, writing and painting -as myself, but also as the channel for the three personas.
The recent postings are fragmentary works and thoughts that are very much in process, will continue to be for quite some time, and are at what still seems for me at least to be an early stage; therefore, I am not going to spend time now on an extensive written reflection as the reflection will come, like the work, in fragments of future postings.
Instead, I am laying out some of these scraps gathered over the past thirty days here with the additional note that I will continue to post frequently (almost daily) to the Studio-Making and Studio-Writing pages of this website.* A week ago I traveled to New York City and Philadelphia for a few days during which I collected a number of bits and pieces which I am still working through but are slowly finding their way to the surface, both that covered in paint and the digital display.
New postings in Making are:
A little madness in the Spring, Part One
Good Witches of the Between, Part Four
Just as I try to paint (either as myself, Franz or Petra) each day I have been attempting to post some form of writing or notes (almost) daily** in Studio Writing. Here they are:
Thoughts on Pessoa and Duchamp
A child’s solution to the limits of space
Codes of Dressing Up, Part One
Notes from: Play and Its Role in the Mental Development of the Child by Lev Vygotsky
Petra paints with her left hand
Thoughts and Questions by Melusine Van der Weyden
Now, until the next summation, back to work.
Escaped Bachelor: Mr. Mutt flees the scene. R.Thomas April 9, 2017.
*There is more documentation than I’ve included in these postings, including videos of myself and Petra painting. These could possibly be posted in an edited form at a later date, but for now they are being collected, watched, thought about...and that’s all.
**On days when I have not posted writing I still write. At times these are notes for future postings or emails from myself or one (or more) of the personas; bits and pieces of the emails may eventually find their way into the posting as well.